Hi Jason

Thank you for your response. I misdaignosed my issue. It actually had 
nothing to do with Docker and instead was a slow performing form in the 
django admin that had a widget referencing a foreign key which was taking 
forever to build.

I fixed it with raw_id_fields, so am now back on docker

In terms of my docker usage I will verse myself in allocations etc


On Monday, 23 September 2019 12:18:03 UTC+1, Jason wrote:
> What kind of hardware are you working with?  What resources do you have 
> allocated to Docker.  Are you including tens of thousands of files in 
> volume mounts?
> We use docker extensively at work, and I've found it helps to have at 
> least half of your machine's hardware available to docker.  My 2018 MBP has 
> 5 cores and 10GB RAM allocated.
> However, docker is very sensitive to the amount of files being included 
> and being watched over.  SO if you have thousands to tens of thousands of 
> files in your volume mount symlinks, performance is going to be poor.

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