{{ mylist.a }} means: get attribute "a" from object "mylist". For the 
template it doesn't matter if you have defind a variable "a", it will get 
the literal "a". Also see 
others with the same problem and a solution. You can add a template filter 
which *does* support variables. Your template will then look like {{ 
mylist|index:a }}. Credits to Bakuutin 
<https://stackoverflow.com/users/5313669/bakuutin> and WeizhongTu 
<https://stackoverflow.com/users/2714931/weizhongtu> for this specific 

from django import template
register = template.Library()
@register.filterdef index(indexable, i):
    return indexable[i]

{% load index %}{{ mylist|index:a }}

I believe you will need to do the same if you want to access any property 
from that item, ie. {{ mylist|index:a }}.property doesn't work, you would 
need to write a new filter to be able to do {{ 
mylist|index:a|attr:"property" }}

Besides all this, is there a reason you cannot simply use a for-loop to 
iterate over mylist ?

{% for item in mylist %}

    {{ item.property }}

{% endfor %}

On Wednesday, 9 October 2019 10:16:18 UTC+2, Luca Bertolotti wrote:
> Hello in the view a hve a list
> mylist = ['aa','bb']
> n = range(len(mylist))
> return render(....{'mylist':mylist,'n':n,.....})
> in the template i do this:
> <tr>{% for a in n %} <td>{{ mylist.a }}</td></tr>
> it never show nothing, but if i do:
> <tr>{% for a in n %} <td>{{ mylist.0 }}</td></tr>
> it show 'aa'
> Where is the mistake?
> Thanks

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