Did you try

class Item(Model):
    price = DecimalField()
    full_price = DecimalField()
    is_on_sale = BooleanField()

    class Meta:
        constraints = [

I haven't tried it myself but I would expect it to work on Django 3.0.


Le lundi 27 janvier 2020 12:47:37 UTC-5, Peter Law a écrit :
> Hi, 
> Thanks for adding support for check constraints in Django 2.2, it's 
> great to be able to move constraints into the model definitions. 
> I've been trying to work out how to express a constraint which 
> validates that the value of one field expresses a relation between two 
> other fields, but can't find a nice way to do so. 
> I've read through the docs and also found 
> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/django-users/6Olh5V1b7Us/discussion, 
> but haven't found a concise spelling. 
> I've got a model like: 
> ``` 
> class Item(Model): 
>     price = DecimalField() 
>     full_price = DecimalField() 
>     is_on_sale = BooleanField() 
> ``` 
> I'd like to be able to express neatly that the `is_on_sale` boolean be 
> true only when `price < full_price`. 
> In Postgres I can express this as: 
> ``` 
> ADD CONSTRAINT is_on_sale_check 
> CHECK (is_on_sale = (price < full_price)) 
> ``` 
> However in Django I can't find a way to express this directly. 
> I did find a long spelling which essentially checks the True case and 
> the False case explicitly and then ORs them together, however it's 
> several lines of `models.Q` combinations and not at all clear about 
> what the code is trying to achieve. 
> Is there a concise way to do this sort of constraint? If not, would it 
> be possible for Django to add support for it? 
> Thanks, 
> Peter 

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