On Fri, Feb 21, 2020 at 2:24 AM Phil Kauffman <kauffman.p...@gmail.com>

> So something like this?
Yes if you are using method based views. You can still do the same using
class-based views by referring to the following

> def site(request, site_id):
>     site = get_object_or_404(Site.name, pk=site_id)
> def sitesubmit(request):
>     #    site=get_object_or_404(Site, pk=site_id)
>     form = SelectSite()
>     if request.method == 'POST':
>         form = SelectSite(request.POST)
>         if form.is_valid():
>             instance = form.save(commit=False)
>             instance.name = site.site_id
>             instance.save()
>     else:
>         form = SelectSite()
>     return render(request, 'app/home.html', {'form': form})
> I'm just learning this stuff. If you can think of any posts or examples
> please let me know.
> On Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 1:16:07 PM UTC-5, OnlineJudge95 wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 11:38 PM Phil Kauffman <kauffm...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Newbie in need of a little shove. It seems I need to review the purpose
>>> of the urls.py file. At present I am getting an HTTP Error 405 with the
>>> following:
>> HTTP 405 error code states the the HTTP method is not allowed on the
>> endpoint (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/405)
>>> urls.py:
>>> path('', views.show_site, name = 'home'),
>>> path('site-view', views.List.as_view(), name='site-view')
>>> views.py
>>> class List(ListView):
>>>     def get_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs):
>>>         return Profile.objects.filter(sitename_id=self.kwargs['pk'])
>> You need to define the post() method yourself,
>>> def show_site(request):
>>>     form = SelectSite()
>>>     if request.method == 'POST':
>>>         form = SelectSite(request.POST)
>>>         if form.is_valid():
>>>             pass
>>>     else:
>>>         form = SelectSite()
>>>     return render(request, 'app/home.html', {'form': form})
>>> home.html
>>> {% extends 'app\base.html' %}
>>> {% block title %}Site Home{% endblock %}
>>> {% block content %}
>>> <h1>This Form is Terrible</h1>
>>> <form action={% url 'site-view' %} method="post">{% csrf_token %}
>>>     <p> {{form}} </p>
>>> <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
>>> </form>
>>> {% endblock %}
>>> Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Thank You
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