You are suggesting in the demos that the file should contain de 
development definition of variables and override them later on with loading 
the specific settings from yaml.

would contain the development oriented definitions, e.g., database 
> definitions for user and password for a development database. The settings 
> file would then end with a call the the load function. Additional 
> definitions could be defined after the load function to update 
> conditional definitions, e.g., if DEBUG is enabled.

This approach is not very security oriented because there is always the 
danger to forget to override a specific variable and hence make the app 
less secure. I would suggest to have the most secure, drastic values set by 
default in and then loosen them up in yaml files. But, it's 
only a suggestion.

Best regards,

luni, 24 februarie 2020, 03:57:55 UTC+2, Michael Rohan a scris:
> Hi Folks,
> Have release v1.2.0 for django-yamlconf, a module supporting Django 
> settings via YAML files (searching up the directory hierarchy, e.g., in a 
> K8s environment, adding a "final" set of settings via "/APPLICATION.yaml", 
> see the documentation a 
> for more detailed info.
> The updates for the this release are:
> - Tagged with ``v1.2.0``.
> - Updates to support Django 3.0: Simply use "`six`" instead of the
>   support "`django.utils.six`" package and use "`render`" instead of
>   "`render_to_response`".
> - `ycsysfiles` should generate executable files if the source template
>   file is executable.
> - Ensure the absolute path is used when searching for YAML control
>   files.  This issue is seen when running Django apps under uWSGI
>   control.
> - Added the built-in attribute ``CPU_COUNT`` (primarily for use in uWSGI
>   ini files) giving the number of available CPUs.
> Take care,
> Michael.
> -- 
> Michael Rohan
> <javascript:>

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