You can't have the same name twice. You need to change the name for one of 
the followings:
    path('customsearch/',, name='search'),
    path('customsearch/<str:params>/',, name='search_xxx')

Reverse method requires a url identified by name parameter which must be 
unique. Its looking for search and it find it on two places so you are 
getting this error.

On Friday, August 28, 2020 at 7:06:09 PM UTC-4 wrote:

> Hello All!  I need some help with a problem I have been struggling with.  
> One of you generous geniuses has the answer I'm sure of it.  I am working 
> on integrating an export to csv button(link) on my template to export 
> filtered data from one of my tables.  I have previously only been able to 
> dump the entire table to csv which isn't exactly what I need.  So my 
> thoughts were to place a button/link on the template passes a 
> parameter(dictionary of my filter criteria) to a view named ExportSearch.  
> The view then calls a function that I have defined to perform my filtered 
> query to the table and then writes outs to csv.  In theory I thought this 
> should work but I keep getting errors that I have not been able to resolve 
> and I am at the end of my knowledge capacity here.  Applicable code below.  
> Did I mention THANK YOU!!!!
> *From searchLit/*
> from django.urls import include, path
> from . import views
> from .views import search
> app_name= "searchLit"
> urlpatterns=[
>     path('customsearch/',, name='search'),
>     path('customsearch/<str:params>/',, name='search'),
>     path('noccustomsearch/', views.nocSearch, name='nocSearch'),
>     path('nocreport/export/', views.noc_export, name='noc_export'),
>     path('customsearch/export/', views.searchLit_export, 
> name='SearchLit_export'),
>     path('customsearch/exportSearch/<str:params>/', views.exportSearch, 
> name='exportSearch'),
> ]
> *From searchLit/*
> def filterCircuits(params, search_vector):
>     circuits=[]
>     if(params['circuitid']==None and params['bandwidth']==None and 
> params['region']==None and params['carrier']==None and 
> params['status']==None and params['segmentname']==None and 
> params['mrcnew']==None):
>         circuits=Circuitinfotable.objects.all()
>     else:
>         if(params['multipleSearch']!=None and 
> params['multipleSearch']!=""):
> circuits=Circuitinfotable.objects.annotate(search=search_vector).filter(search=params['multipleSearch'])
>         else:
>             circuits = Circuitinfotable.objects.all()
>         if(params['circuitid']!=None and params['circuitid']!=""):
>             circuits = Circuitinfotable.objects.all()
> circuits=circuits.filter(circuitid__icontains=params['circuitid'])
>         if(params['bandwidth']!=None and params['bandwidth']!="" and 
> params['bandwidth']!='Select Bandwidth'):
>             circuits=circuits.filter(bandwidth=params['bandwidth'])
>         if(params['region']!=None and params['region']!="" and 
> params['region']!='Select Region'):
>             circuits=circuits.filter(region=params['region'])
>         if(params['carrier']!=None and params['carrier']!="" and 
> params['carrier']!='Select Carrier'):
>             circuits=circuits.filter(carrier=params['carrier'])
>         if(params['status']!=None and params['status']!="" and 
> params['status']!='Select Status'):
>             circuits=circuits.filter(status=params['status'])
>         if(params['segmentname']!=None and params['segmentname']!="" and 
> params['segmentname']!='Select Segment'):
>             circuits=circuits.filter(segmentname=params['segmentname'])
>         if(params['mrcnew']!=None and params['mrcnew']!=""):
>             circuits=circuits.filter(mrcnew=params['mrcnew'])
>         if(params['diversity']!='Select Option'):
>             if(params['diversity']=='None'):
>                 circuits=circuits.filter(diversity=None)
>             else:
> circuits=circuits.filter(diversity__icontains=params['diversity'])
>         if(params['kmz']!='Select YES/NO'):
>             if(params['kmz']=='No'):
>                 circuits=circuits.filter(kmz=None)
>             else:
>                 circuits=circuits.filter(kmz__isnull=False)
>     return(circuits)
> def search(request):
>     form = CircuitForm
>     template =  'customsearch/customsearch.html'
>     search_vector = SearchVector('circuitid', 'carrier', 'pathname', 
> 'segmentname', 'segmentid', 'alocationaddress', 'alocationcity', 'alocst', 
> 'zlocationaddress', 'zlocationcity', 'zlocst', 'handoffalocaddress', 
> 'handoffalocst',
>                                  'handoffaloccity', 'handoffzlocaddress', 
> 'handoffzloccity', 'handoffzlocst', 'latestjiraticket', 
> 'installciopsticket', 'retermciopsticket', 'discociopsticket', 'notes', 
> 'diversitynotes')
>     params={'circuitid': request.GET.get('circuitid'),
>             'bandwidth': request.GET.get('bandwidth'),
>             'region': request.GET.get('region'),
>             'carrier': request.GET.get('carrier'),
>             'status': request.GET.get('status'),
>             'segmentname': request.GET.get('segmentname'),
>             'mrcnew': request.GET.get('mrcnew'),
>             'diversity': request.GET.get('diversity'),
>             'kmz': request.GET.get('kmz'),
>             'multipleSearch': request.GET.get('multipleSearch')
>            }
>     context=filterCircuits(params, search_vector)
>     #encoded_params = urllib.parse.urlencode(params)
>     numCircuits=len(context)
>     paramString = str(params)
>     return render(request, template, {'form':form, 'filter':context, 
> 'numcircuits':numCircuits, 'params':params, 'paramString': paramString})
> def exportSearch(request, params):
>     params = ast.literal_eval(params)
>     search_vector = SearchVector('circuitid', 'carrier', 'pathname', 
> 'segmentname', 'segmentid', 'alocationaddress', 'alocationcity', 'alocst', 
> 'zlocationaddress', 'zlocationcity', 'zlocst', 'handoffalocaddress', 
> 'handoffalocst',
>                                  'handoffaloccity', 'handoffzlocaddress', 
> 'handoffzloccity', 'handoffzlocst', 'latestjiraticket', 
> 'installciopsticket', 'retermciopsticket', 'discociopsticket', 'notes', 
> 'diversitynotes')
>     allcircuits=filterCircuits(params, search_vector)
>     return render_to_csv_response(allcircuits)
> *From template(button/link placed outside of form to capture filters 
> called paramString)*
> <a href="{% url 'exportSearch' paramString %}"><input type="button" 
> value="Self Destruct" /></a>

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