On 1/13/07, Brian Victor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Let's say there's a Room model.  And let's say there's a ManyToMany
relationship with User to specify which users can schedule certain
rooms.  How should a person in such a circumstance create a SelectField
on a form with a user's rooms as choices?  Or more generally, how should
I go about changing a field's parameters based on information that can't
be known until the form is instantiated?

My instinct is to override __init__ on the form to provide choices to
it, which then overrides room_field.choices.  Is that right, or is there
a cleaner or more idiomatic way of doing it?

__init__ is a right place to put this in, you can either pass it to
the form as one of the parameters or you can create the field in
__init__ itself, for example:

class MyForm( forms.form ):
 def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
   super( MyForm, self ).__init__( *args, **kwargs )
   self.fields['some_choice'] = forms.ChoiceField( choices=[ (o.id,
str(o) ) for o in Model.objects.all() ] )

(And by the way, Adrian, thanks for the select date widget.  It's
exactly what I was looking for and has served as a great model for
similar widgets.)



Honza Kr l
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