I am trying to make a simple form, that conditionally shows the "website" input field based on the value of another database field (that is not on the form) "status". For the sake of this process the "status" field is not editable by the user, just by the admin. Both fields are in the same table: "profile".

After working at this for a while I copped-out and just did the conditional hiding and showing on the template. But, I realise this is the unsophisticated method, and would like to improve it.

What I tried so far in forms.py:

    class WebsiteForm(forms.ModelForm):
        class Meta:
             model = Profile

             fields = ( 'e-mail', 'website', )

             if Profile.status == 'personal' :
                 exclude = ('website',)

This method in forms.py works effectively, in that I can conditionally show and hide the field if I use test comparitors in the if statement like:

    if 1 == 1:

    if 1 != 1:
But, I cannot get an effective test using the field "Profile.status", the value in the field seems to be unavailable at the point the "if" test in forms.py is performed.

If I use "print(Profile.status)" I get the following output in the terminal: "user__profile__status__isnull", so I think this means that I am at least testing the correct field in the database. Although I am also noting that this output only shows at initialisation of "runserver", not when the form page is accessed.

One final point, the user is authenticated and editing their own record.

Any help very much appreciated.

-- Clive

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