On 5 Nov 2020, at 04:11, Marc Johnson 
<marcjohnson...@gmail.com<mailto:marcjohnson...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi David,

Thanks again for the feedback. When I remove the 'ENGINE' variable I get the 
error saying settings.DATABASES is improperly configured, as shown in the 
snapshot attached below.

But when I add the ENGINE variable, like listed below, I get an 'Internal 
Server Error':

    'default': dj_database_url.config(env='DATABASE_URL', conn_max_age=1800),
    'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',

My db settings in my docker-compose.yml file are also provided below:

    image: postgres:11
      - postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data/
      - "DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:P#ssw0rd@postgres:5432/ndc_data"
      - "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=P#ssw0rd"
      - "POSTGRES_USER=postgres"
      - "POSTGRES_DB=ndc_data"
      - "POSTGRES_HOST=postgres"
      - default

How am I screwing this up so royally!? I did not expect this connection to 
involve so much troubleshooting.

It shouldn't. Note that env='DATABASE_URL' is entirely redundant and can be 

In any case, check the source code for dj_database_url.config to troubleshoot 
this, but ENGINE definitely isn't needed here. As you'll see from the source, 
the url scheme determines the engine used.

Did you validate that DATABASE_URL is set correctly in the container 
I suspect this may be the issue here, although the docker-compose.yml looks 


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