On Wed, Apr 07, 2021 at 11:42:30PM +0100, Joel Tanko wrote:
> Hi guys I have a question just one, but it houses a myriad of smaller
> questions for clarity.
> So I'm building a django app that creates virtual organizations, I'm
> planning on hosting with digitalocean for reasons. My app just creates a
> droplet and host a site ( already done that)
> Now I want my users ( mainly people with zero coding knowledge or ability)
> to be able to install plugins to their django site using the frontend.
>  How do I get this working without users tampering with the settings.py file
> > is it possible?
> > what packages would I need?
> > how would I setup the installation process?
> PS: a example would be how shopify handles its plugins and installation
> from the frontend remotely - if shopify were built on django.

In general, the philosophy behind Django is that programmers modify
code, editors/authors modify content.  The idea is that editors/authors
don't know enough about code and can sometimes get themselves into a
jam.  So it's best to not allow editors/authors to modify the code.
See "Wordpress plugin hell"[1] for reference.

Of course, just because Django doesn't encourage author-installed
plugins doesn't mean that you can't do it.  Django CMS has an addon
marketplace[2], for example.

One thing that might help is to note that settings.py is just a python
module.  You can call normal python code inside that module.  So, for
example, you could store all your settings in a database.  There are
some examples of this kind of thing under the heading "live

[1] https://www.google.com/search?q=wordpress+plugin+hell
[2] https://marketplace.django-cms.org/en/addons/
[3] https://djangopackages.org/grids/g/live-setting/

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