Fantastic!  But now I wonder why it's not working on some of your browsers

On Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 4:18:14 AM UTC-4 

> Hi,
> Eureka!!! 
> Benjamin, you are right. I changed my browser and it worked.
> Thank for you advice.
> Best wishes,
> Maria
> On Tuesday, September 21, 2021 at 9:41:18 AM UTC+2 Mariangeles Mendoza 
> wrote:
>> Thank you very much!!!
>> I will try other browsers. I have used Firefox and Brave.
>> No, I am not using other custom widget.
>> Thanks again,
>> Maria 
>> On Monday, September 20, 2021 at 1:59:25 PM UTC+2 bnmng wrote:
>>> Hi.  I don't see anything in your code samples that would cause this.  
>>>  One line in caused the server to stop because of the extra 
>>> parenthesis, and the default for status should be 'r' instead of  
>>> 'refereed', but those don't cause the problem you're describing.  Maybe a 
>>> browser issue?  Maybe there's something with a custom widget that isn't the 
>>> samples?
>>> On Monday, September 13, 2021 at 9:13:48 AM UTC-4 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm very new in Django. I'm making a cv, but I don't get select a 
>>>> choice through the django-admin web. I've searched solutions in the 
>>>> community but I cant't solve it.
>>>> My code is:
>>>> **
>>>> """"
>>>> class Article(models.Model):
>>>>     year = models.PositiveIntegerField(
>>>>             validators=[
>>>>                 MinValueValidator(1900), 
>>>>                 MaxValueValidator(], null=True, 
>>>> blank=True)
>>>>     title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
>>>>     author = models.ManyToManyField(Author)
>>>>     journal = models.ForeignKey(Journal, models.CASCADE)
>>>>     summary = models.TextField(max_length=1000, null=True, blank=True, 
>>>>                                help_text="Brief description of the 
>>>> article")
>>>>     PUB_TYPE = (
>>>>         ('r', 'refereed'),
>>>>         ('t', 'technical report'),
>>>>         ('p', 'proceeding'),
>>>>         ('b', 'book'),
>>>>         ('c', 'book chapter'),
>>>>     )
>>>>     status = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=PUB_TYPE, 
>>>> default='refereed', 
>>>>                                help_text='publication type')
>>>>     class Meta:
>>>>         ordering = ['year']
>>>>     def get_absolute_url(self):
>>>>         return reverse('article-detail', args=[str(])    
>>>>     def __str__(self):
>>>>         return self.title
>>>> """"
>>>> **
>>>> """
>>>> @admin.register(Article)
>>>> class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>>>>     list_display = ('title', 'journal', 'year', 'status')
>>>>     list_filter = (("year", "journal")
>>>>     ordering = ('-year',)
>>>>     search_fields= ('author',)
>>>>     filter_horizontal = ('author',)
>>>>     raw_id_fields = ('journal',)
>>>> """
>>>> When I click in the status button (attached image), the  choices aren't 
>>>> displayed and i can't seletc one.
>>>> I would be very grateful for any idea.
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Maria

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