Seems to me case-when and conditional expressions[0] would be a better fit 
for you.  Django selects all the fields of the models, except when values 
and values_list are used to specify the fields.  however, those methods do 
not populate model instances, because why woould they?  they only have a 
partial set of model data anyway, and the project expects that if you 
return a model instance, all of its fields are accessible as a whole as 
defined in the class definition.


On Thursday, February 2, 2023 at 6:26:05 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I realize that it is a pretty exotic feature, but is there a way to =
> generate SQL from a query set so that the fields can be a wildcard, when =
> multiple joins exist.
> Given this query:
> FROM table1 t1
> JOIN table2 t2 on = t2.t1_id
> JOIN table3 t3 on = t3.t2_id
> WHERE (...)
> How can I use Django to rewrite the select as `SELECT t1.*` for example?
> My use-case is a set of nested models with a foreign key relationship 
> (t1 has many t2 has many t3) and I would like to query t2 but return
> either t1, t2 or t3 instances depending on the cases (and presumably t1,
> t2 and t3 are serializable as models in the ORM)
> Is this possible? So far, I looked at `values` and `values_list` but 
> there doesn't seem to be a documented way to do this.
> Any help appreciated, I know this group is helpful,
> -- Thomas

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