James Bennett wrote:
> On 1/29/07, Bram - Smartelectronix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> oh, sorry 'bout that! =)
>> cent-os running:
>> * apache2 2.0.52
>> * mod_python 3.2.10
>> * python 2.5
>> * postgres 8.1.4
>> * psycopg 1.1.21
> That still doesn't really help. We need the configuration data from
> the httpd.conf file you are using with Apache, and any other settings
> you can specifically mention. PATH_INFO problems are almost always due
> to misconfiguration, so without seeing the actual configuration data
> they're nearly impossible to track down.

I hope these bits are enough. The rest of the installation is working as 
it should (i.e. media files are served as needed, django is working as 
expected, only this is failing)

<VirtualHost *:80>
         ServerName ###.######.com
         ServerAlias django
         <Location "/">
             AllowOverride None
             AuthName "#######"
             AuthUserFile /opt/tomcat/.htpasswd
             AuthType Basic
             Require valid-user
             Order allow,deny
             Allow from All

             SetHandler python-program
             PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
             SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE ##########.settings
             PythonDebug On
             PythonPath "['/opt/######/'] + sys.path"

<VirtualHost *:80>
         ServerName ##########.#####.com
         DocumentRoot /opt/#######/########/media

( sorry for the obfuscation but I'm not at liberty (yet) to tell what or 
who we are :-) )

Let me know if I should send more parts.


  - bram

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