On 3/12/2023 7:27 am, David Merrick wrote:
Hi. I can put an item from the database into a select box ie Countries of the World. What I want to know is saying, having chosen New Zealand from the select box, how do I display all the cities of New Zealand in another select box.

The database has two tables. First one is Countries. The second table is cities with populations and the foreign key of Countries table.

Then having chosen Auckland a city in New Zealand I want to display


In a template.

I have done this in Php, Javascript and Mysql already.

Check https://simpleisbetterthancomplex.com/tutorial/2018/01/29/how-to-implement-dependent-or-chained-dropdown-list-with-django.html

Also, I recently had a similar task with companies and divisions from querysets and had trouble using the form.__init__() method. Here is an alternative approach. You can tweak what the form displays by calling a form method - here set_division_queryset(). In other words, you can populate selection choices based on code elsewhere. In my case I did it from within the view code like this ...

# forms.py

class List_Import(forms.Form):


    division = forms.ModelChoiceField(


        empty_label="Must select a Division",



    def set_division_queryset(self, divqs):

        self.fields["division"].queryset = divqs

    def clean(self):

        cleaned_data = super().clean()

        selected_division = cleaned_data.get('division')

        available_divisions = self.fields['division'].queryset

        if selected_division not in available_divisions:

            self.add_error('division', 'Invalid choice. Please select a valid 

        return cleaned_data

# views.py



def list_import(request, template="list_import.html", context=None):


    # User model has get_company() method and Company has get_all_divisions()

    divqs = request.user.get_company().get_all_divisions()



    if request.method == 'POST':

        form = List_Import(request.POST, request.FILES)

        # because form.is_valid() needs available_divisions and we are

        # not using form.__init__(), we have to send divqs again


        if form.is_valid():




Cheers Dave

Dave Merrick



Daves Web Designs

Website https://tutorinvercargill.co.nz/daveswebdesigns/public_html/
_Email merrick...@gmail.com

Ph   03 216 2053

Cell 027 3089 169
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