When I'm doing something like that, I use ajax to do the server side
stuff and return the message without ever leaving the page.

On Feb 2, 7:39 pm, "Milan Andric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a small problem, I'm submitting a review form (form x) on a
> page that has many of these forms in a list, so  you can view other
> reviews, add new ones or edit your own.   When a review is edited a
> view processes it and redirects the person back to the review using an
> anchor like /urlstring/12/#id_review_8.
> Works fine, now I just need to print some kind of notice to the user
> that the data was saved.
> Messages won't work because i don't have enough control to only print
> a message for the form that was updated. Or so i think.  In my
> template I just have a for loop,
>  e.g. {% for review in reviews %} <li><h3
> id="id_review_{{review.id}}"> ...
> Do you have any suggestions or examples to lead me towards a solution?
> I guess it's time for this newbie to write a template tag?
> Thank for your help,
> Milan

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