On 3/27/07, Jonas Maurus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mar 26, 11:10 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I apologize for the vague newbie question, but I'm gonna ask it
> > anyway...
> >
> > I'd like to switch DBs from mysql to postgres... how does one do so? I
> > assume one must export from mysql, import to postgres, then make the
> > appropriate changes in settings.py, but are there any gotchas I should
> > be aware of? Any advice on HOW to best do the export/import? Any
> > advice at all for someone who's never done this?
> This is not easily done because the SQL-dialects of MySQL and
> PostgreSQL differ. One thing that helped me is, when dumping data with
> mysqldump, setting the compatibility mode to MySQL 3.23 so that
> mysqldump produces neither character-set information nor "complex
> inserts" (there is another command-line switch for that now, as far as
> I remember). Then open the dump, strip out all CREATE TABLE statements
> and execute those by hand on Postgres, fixing the data types along the
> way (for example, int(...) becomes integer or bigint). Make sure that
> you select the correct encoding when executing 'createdb'.
> Basically then you need to look at the errors that PostgreSQL will
> undoubtedly spit in your general direction and fix them.

or you could use django fixture system to dump & restore the DB:
1) dump MySQL data
2) change settings to PostgreSQL db
3) run syncdb
4) load dumps
5) enjoy

> Good luck,
> Jonas
> >

Honza Kr�l
ICQ#:   107471613
Phone:  +420 606 678585

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