class RenderQueue(models.Model):
    user = models.ForeignKey(User)

Hope that helps you along in the right direction!


On Mar 29, 8:42 pm, "Ben Stahl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I think I understand modeling, and user/session authentication.
> But, what I don't understand is how to use these together to tie some
> object instances (stored in the database) to a specific user. For
> example, I want each authenticated user of the application to have a
> single instance of my model class RenderQueue. Each user has one and
> only one of these, and it's specific to that user. If another user
> logs in, they get either their own blank RenderQueue (if they've never
> created one), or they get the one they had filled out when they were
> last logged in. If I receive the form fields back in my view, and call
> save() on that, it may save it to the db, but how do I tell it for
> which user? Do I add a 'user = User()' instance variable to my
> RenderQueue model class and set that to the current user before
> saving? Do I need to subclass/extend/rewrite the Django built-in User
> model? It looked like the 'Chapter 13: Comments' of the Django Book
> was going to address this, but that chapter has not been written yet.

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