On Wed, 2007-04-04 at 16:47 -0700, TaMeR wrote:
> I have done something like this before with php & mysql creating all
> my own sql statements but I am getting a bit confused with the
> ForeignKey and ManytoMany fields.
> I like to create following models:
> Organizations: May be the users Company or one of many clients
> People: May be a users info or one of many contact person for one
> Organization.
> Address: May be People or Organizations
> Phone# Can be Phone, FAX, Mobile etc. for either People or
> Organizations
> Where do I place my  ForeignKey and ManyToMany fields?
> Also, lets take Organization as example: where do I place the select
> box which indicates if it is owned by user, a client or a vendor etc.

One approach:

        - People has a ForeignKey(Address) -- assuming only 1 address
        per person, otherwise use ManyToManyField.
        - Organization has a ForeignKey(Address)
        - Both People and Organization have ManyToManyField(Phone#)
        - Phone number field contains a field to describe what type of
        phone number it is (landline, fax, mobile, ...)

The People to Organization link can be done through an intermediate
table, as in [1]. This allows you to put an attribute on the
intermediate table indicating the type of relationship (owner, customer,

[1] http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/models/m2m_intermediary/


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