Hi Brandon,

On Fri, Apr 20, 2007 at 01:58:48PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I want to try out Django for a small project, hoping to discover that
> it will be the web framework of my dreams, but I need some advice.
> My project group has written an xml-rpc API in front of our database
> and password stores.  This means that when we want to, say, create a
> campus guest account, we call xml-rpc functions like create_guest(),
> set_guest_info(), and set_account_password(), and those functions do
> all of the database operations (and sometimes operations on other
> systems) needed to perform each operation consistently (creating a
> guest requires at least six tables to be updated, for example).

I think you'll find that Django meets your needs quite well, however, I wouldn't
recommend at all that you try to make Django's database layer wrap your XML-RPC
services.  Django's database layer is an ORM, so, unless your XML-RPC services
constitute a thin wrapper around your database, or provide a very database-like
interface, it probably doesn't meet your requirements at a basic, conceptual

One thing you could do is provide a set of read-only thin wrappers to your
database that can live alongside your current XML-RPC implementation.  Then, you
could use Django's ORM as an interface to that, and be able to take advantage of
things like generic views and the automatic admin interface.  Since the
interface would be read-only, you'd have to make direct XML-RPC calls to
actually make changes to the database, but it sounds like your XML-RPC functions
probably provide some enforcement of data integrity, so that's probably not
very avoidable.

Of course, ultimately, you are getting into a new framework with significant
work to do before you can even get your first app put togther (since you'll need
to implement a custom database layer).  That may not be the best way to
introduce yourself to Django :)

If your clever, you may be able to implement a read-only DB layer with only a
little code, but get some advice from some Django experts first (I am not
included in that group).


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