On 2007-04-25 17:27:26 -0600, RollyF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> canen,
> Thank you for your reply but I am not sure if I am getting this right.
> I am getting an "Exception Value:     __init__() got an unexpected
> keyword argument 'attrs'" with the following code
> class CreateGuestUserForm(forms.Form):
>     first_name = forms.CharField(label='First Name',
> attrs={'class':'left'})
> I stepped through django code and found the following:
> class CharField(Field):
>     def __init__(self, max_length=None, min_length=None, *args,
> **kwargs):
>         self.max_length, self.min_length = max_length, min_length
>         super(CharField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
> class Field(object):
>     widget = TextInput # Default widget to use when rendering this
> type of Field.
>     hidden_widget = HiddenInput # Default widget to use when rendering
> this as "hidden".
>     # Tracks each time a Field instance is created. Used to retain
> order.
>     creation_counter = 0
>     def __init__(self, required=True, widget=None, label=None,
> initial=None, help_text=None):
> I am new to python and django, but it looks like the Field's init
> arguments do not recognize "attrs."
> Thanks
> Rolly
> On Apr 25, 3:04 pm, canen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You would use the attrs argument  when declaring the field.
>> .....
>> first_name = CharField('First name', attrs={'class': 'left'})
>> .....
>> On Apr 25, 1:02 pm, RollyF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> How do I do this using newforms if I want my output to be:
>>> <label for="id_firstname" class="left">First name:</label>
>>> I want to know how to pass the "class" to the output.
>>> TIA,
>>> Rolly
I don't think it's possible to add a class attr to the label tag that 
Django generates through its lazy form methods.  You can pass an attrs 
dictionary to a widget.  Check into widgets, there are some good 
examples in the newforms_admin branch.  The only other alternative to 
specifying attrs on the label tag is to manually create the form in the 
template.  Like:

{{ form.field.label }} - {{ form.field }}

Isn't there a ticket in Trac that tries to allow for attrs in the label 
tag?  It has something to do with errors and required classing of 
labels for easier output.

Brian Rosner

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