Hi Tim

On May 20, 8:21 pm, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am seeking for some information, guidelines for me to choose the
> > right framework for me. I am choosing between code igniter, django, &
> > rails. So far my concerns with django is that I have read somewhere
> > else that says django is much appropriate for web publishing type of
> > web site but I am more into business application type. Is this true?
> > It will be very hard for me to use django to develop business
> > application type?
> While Django does have its origins in the publishing industry,
> and certainly excels there, it's a very flexible framework. It
> has handled pretty much everything I've thrown at it for several
> business apps.  Even the few areas where Django didn't have
> native solutions, underneath, it's just Python code, so I've been
> able to tweak, add, or monkey-patch what I need.
> I don't know anything about Code Igniter, but Django vs. Rails
> came down to a language choice for me--namely that I can't stand
> Ruby (or its cousin Perl), dislike PHP, and that I enjoy Python.
>  However, if you prefer a language other than Python, Django is
> certainly not for you.  This one is a personal mater, based on
> your own language tastes.
> The documentation on Django/Python is better than average.
> I've had a little trouble deploying it, but no more than I would
> have had with most other frameworks.  If you need a cheap-hosting
> service, something PHP-based is almost always available on the
> cheap, whereas mod_python/FCGI support on a hosting service tends
> to bump up the price.  I have a couple test boxes though and
> getting the pieces together was a bit of a stunt:
> -OpenBSD, needed to upgrade to Apache2 for mod_python support,
> though in retrospect, I should likely have tried FCGI with the
> older version of Apache, or installed lighty+FCGI
> -Mac OS X, needed to upgrade my version of Python, add in the
> various DB libs (PostgreSQL, MySQL, and sqlite for
> testing...MySQL was the easiest), and configure Apache or add
> lighty (which I haven't done yet, as I just use that box for
> development/testing purposes).  Lots of compiling here. :(
> Things were much easier to install on my Debian Linux box where
> everything I needed was just an apt-get away.
> Just my early-morning thoughts on matters,
> -tim

Thanks on those comments. I don't know python and neither ruby, my
question is is python hard to learn of a guy who has pascal
background. The only advantage I know for python over ruby is speed. I
have heard people saying ruby on rails is a full stack web application
framework, is this the same for django?

Which is better mod_python or FCGI?

Thanks again.


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