I've solved the issue. It seems it was a combination of my the tagging
app not being on my PYTHONPATH, and some database issues.

Everything seems to work correctly now.

On May 21, 10:49 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> I'm building a blog using Django, and am wanting to usedjango-tagging
> for, well, tagging.
> But something isn't working right. And I haven't a clue why (yes, I'm
> a beginner).
> I've added the tagging app to my INSTALLED_APPS in the settings.py
> file. It is located inside my project, which is also where my blog app
> is located.
> Funny thing is, it seems to work using the Django dev server (tags,
> etc show up in admin, and I can add tags to a blog entry). It's only
> when I try and deploy this to my prod server that my blog app and the
> tagging app fail to display in the admin.
> Also, when I move the tagging app outside of my project, both the blog
> app and tagging app show up in the admin in my prod environment. But I
> get a Django error when I try to save an entry from my blog app
> (presumably because of the location of the tagging app).
> The blog app was working before I installed the tagging app (showed up
> in admin).
> What am I doing wrong?
> Here is my blog app models.py file:
> from django.db import models
> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
> from tagging.fields import TagField
>     ('Draft', 'Draft'),
>     ('Published', 'Published'),
> )
> class Entry(models.Model):
>     # Basic blog fields
>     pub_date = models.DateTimeField()
>     author = models.ForeignKey(User)
>     headline = models.CharField(maxlength=200)
>     slug = models.SlugField(prepopulate_from=('headline',),
> unique_for_date='pub_date')
>     summary = models.TextField(help_text="Use raw XHTML.")
>     body = models.TextField(help_text="Use raw XHTML.")
>     tags = TagField()
>     # Extra fields
>     pull_quote = models.TextField(blank=True)
>     centerpiece_art = models.ImageField(upload_to='images/centerpiece-
> art/', blank=True, help_text="Should be XXXpx wide.")
>     # Misc
>     enable_comments = models.BooleanField(default=True)
>     publication = models.CharField(maxlength=32,
> choices=PUBLICATION_CHOICES, radio_admin=True, default='Published')
>     class Meta:
>         db_table = 'blog_entries'
>         verbose_name_plural = 'entries'
>         ordering = ('-pub_date',)
>         get_latest_by = 'pub_date'
>     class Admin:
>         list_display = ('pub_date', 'headline', 'slug')
>     def __str__(self):
>         return self.headline
>     def get_absolute_url(self):
>         return "/blog/%s/%s/" % (self.pub_date.strftime("%Y/%b/
> %d").lower(), self.slug)
>     def get_comment_count(self):
>         from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
>         from django.contrib.comments.models import Comment
>         ctype = ContentType.objects.get(name__exact='entry')
>         num_comments = Comment.objects.filter(content_type=ctype.id,
> object_id=self.id).count()
>         return num_comments

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