On May 22, 11:47 pm, Rob Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1) Cross Platform Libraries...
> In looking atDjangoKita little I see he's using PyObjC.  I do like
> the idea of using whatever the native widget library is for each
> platform.  I'll have to look at the Democracy Player as an example but
> they did something similar (Mac: PyObjC, Linux: PyGTK, Windows: ???).

DjangoKit is a native-widgets project, and will probably stay that
way. I very much like the idea of Windows and linux-specific native-
widget projects to complement it. The core of the thing was very easy
to write - the hardest part was getting the packaging system to
behave, so there probably won't be a lot of effort duplicated between
the platforms here.

> 2) Database...
> It makes sense to me to require SQLite for this to work.  Moving your
> data to SQLite is also a requirement for Slingshot.  I'm pretty sure
> we can use the fixtures library to serialize data from databases other
> than SQLite (MySQL, PostGreSQL), then load it up into SQLite.

This, on the other hand, _can_ be shared nicely. And has nothing to do
with a GUI wrapper. A framework that will do 2-way sync between 2
django applications / databases can be worked on in the absence of
working wrappers.

> 3) Anything else?

(a) One thing I've been finding is that many django apps I've found
aren't really written as apps, but tend to be tied very heavily to the
project they're developed in. I've only just joined django-users, so
maybe this is covered a lot. But because djangokit provides it's own
project and expects the thing you're packaging to be a stand-alone
app, it's hard to find nice demos.

(b We're going to find lots and lots of different deployed versions of
the app's DB schema in the wild, so upgrades will be nasty. With
proper 2-way sync, you could just tell the remote user to sync, blow
away their DB, then re-sync, but if you're trying to write a simple
stand-alone app, you'll need upgrade scripts.


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