
For each website you are a member of you need to verify that you are
in fact the user that owns that account. If this process wasn't there
then some one could impersonate another user. For digg and a few
others the method to verify is currently to enter your username and
password. The password is not stored, it is simply used once to do a
dummy login to check that the details are correct. The other method
used on different sites is for the user to pace a html comment or
other piece of code on the page that is unique to that user therefor
proving they own that account. This method is used on myspace and
blogs for example but cant be used on digg as there is to way to place
a piece of code on the site.

The only place where I have unfortunately found that I need to keep
the password is for facebook. Because of the way in which facebook
works the only people that can see a users mini feed (where I get
there news) is the user and there friends. Here the password is
current stored and used to login to reed the users news feed. This my
change in the future if I can find a better way of doing it. I had
hoped that the facebook api would expose the news feed as a readable
list but unfortunately you can only wright to it. If you have any
suggestions on how I can do this without needing to store there
password I would love to here them.



On Jun 4, 2:51 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I signed up for the website, but at the point where it started asking
> me to enter my username/password for many different social networking
> sites, red flags started to go up.  What reason would your site need
> my password for, for example?  Based on my username alone,
> the RSS feed for the stories that I've dugg should be available.
> -Eric
> Sam Willis wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have been following discussions on this group for a while now and
> > believe that this is a good place to gain some feedback on my site -
> > Flutterbox is a social networking tool that allows
> > each user to track what their friends and colleagues are doing on
> > multiple websites across the internet, and of course it has been built
> > in Django.
> > As a user you may add sites that you are a member of to create a
> > Profile Page; this then shows a feed of your latest online activity in
> > one place.  You are then able to befriend other Flutterbox users, and
> > this will then create a 'Friends News' page which lists a full and
> > comprehensive list of their online activity. Sites currently supported
> > on Flutterbox,,
> >
> > I am currently running an Alpha test of the site at
> > and would like to invite you to become a member
> > and test it out. Please bear in mind that this is a work in progress
> > which is still under heavy development. I would, however, appreciate
> > any feedback regarding Flutterbox that you may wish to express.
> > To gain an instant invite for Flutterbox please visit
> >
> > Once you have signed up please feel free to contact me and request
> > invites for your friends and colleagues.
> > Thank you.
> > Sam Willis

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