Hello all,

Some performance tips required.



Centos 4.4

PIV 2.4 4GB mem

Django 0.97

PosrgreSQL db 100+ tables, all connected by pyramidal foreignkey 


One big models.py 500KB

One big views.py 2200KB

Separated calculaion.py for using in views functions 500KB

urls.py splitted to 4 files (up 1000 urls)

Every url is accessible for authenticated users only

Top line in profile statistics has lazy translation with 6 sec tottime average

Ajax JQuery for sorted tables (100 lines in table)

Apache 2.0


Number of users ~ 20

#top - 16:17:53 up 67 days,  5:46,  3 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.09, 0.09

Tasks:  77 total,   2 running,  75 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie

Cpu(s): 46.0% us,  2.3% sy,  0.0% ni, 50.7% id,  1.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si

Mem:   4150388k total,  1919908k used,  2230480k free,   220748k buffers

Swap:  2048276k total,      248k used,  2048028k free,   827284k cached

 3545 apache    16   0  107m  98m 3572 S    0  2.4   0:43.35 httpd

 3541 apache    18   0  103m  95m 3572 S    0  2.3   0:30.18 httpd

 3538 apache    16   0  102m  94m 3572 S    0  2.3   0:48.98 httpd

 3544 apache    15   0  101m  93m 3572 S    0  2.3   0:27.63 httpd

 3542 apache    16   0  101m  93m 3572 S    0  2.3   0:32.28 httpd

 3543 apache    16   0  101m  93m 3572 S    0  2.3   0:25.24 httpd

 3539 apache    16   0  101m  93m 3572 S    0  2.3   0:30.63 httpd

 3540 apache    16   0  101m  93m 3572 S    0  2.3   0:33.53 httpd

 2891 postgres  15   0 37412  23m  22m S    0  0.6   0:00.38 postmaster

32502 postgres  16   0 38848  11m 9860 S    0  0.3   0:01.30 postmaster



1. 100MB per request - is it normal?

2. I can't use cache because one user receives cached response for another 
user. Did you know any solution for authenticated cache?

3. While any table growing, the responses became slower to 2-10 minutes. How to 
avoid the big dicts or use another another solution?

For any performance tip thanks in advance.

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