On Jun 4, 5:56 am, Ulf Dambacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2007 20:02 schrieb Ulf Dambacher:> Hi
> > I need some kind of widget which can narrow the select by using
> > cateogries. But how can this be done in django?
> > Java? Sorry...
> > Ideas, Anyone ?
> Apparently no on e had one. So I created a CategoriezedModelSelectField, see
> Ticket 4467.

Sometimes things fall off the radar and you need to bump them back
up...  :-)

If I understand correctly, your want the user to be able to select a
name from your model using the category to narrow the potentially
large set of names.

If that's accurate, then I would use two drop downs.  The first being
the set of unique categories, the second dynamically populated with
the set of names under that category.  Choose a category and you get a
short list of names.

I don't think I'd use Django to do this, I'd probably lean towards a
javascript solution.  Having the filter operate on the client prevents
them from having to roundtrip to the server.

Now, if your list of 'names' is ultimately tens of thousands, you
won't want to dump all that in the page at once.  In that case I would
use javascript and an XMLHttpRequest to pull the filtered names from
the server, avoiding a page refresh.

Either way, I don't think I'd add a new form field.  If I did, I'm not
sure it would be a Django addition.  It seems/feels somewhat
application specific in how to handle it.  Maybe I'm missing


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