On Thu, 5 Jul 2007, Oliver Charles wrote:

> That doesn't work, I've tried that, it still hangs the view.
> Give it a shot with a long python script (while True: time.sleep(1)
> would do) and you'll find that the view never returns. If you can get
> it to return, I'd love to see your code, but it's no go for me...

Well, modulo the script name & arguments, that's the code I'm using
successfully to run background processes. How have you verified that
the view does not return? Does the sub-process actually start (i.e.
can you see it with ps)? What OS are you using, and have you verified
that the code you are uring works outside of django (write a small
shell script that does nothing but call the external torrent process -
does that work as expected?).


> On Jul 5, 2:57 pm, Simon Drabble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thu, 5 Jul 2007, Oliver Charles wrote:
>>> Just to give an update, I've tried forking the view, and then turning
>>> the child process into a daemon with a double fork, and then exiting
>>> before it gets to the return, and letting the parent do the return,
>>> but this is not working either...
>>> I'm stumped, and don't really want to have to create a specific
>>> controller daemon (but guess I'm going to have to)
>>> - Olllie
>> Use the subprocess module:
>>         import subprocess
>>         ...
>>         script = 'python'
>>         args = (script, '/path/to/executable', ...)
>>         env = { ... }
>>         pid = subprocess.Popen(args, close_fds=True, env=env).pid
>>         t = Torrent.objects.create(pid=pid)
>>         ...
>> Remember to store the pid for later wait()ing or you'll end up with zombies.
>> -Simon.
>>> On Jul 5, 2:58 am, Oliver Charles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> I'm currently playing around trying to make something akin to
>>>> TorrentFlux, using Django. TorrentFlux is a system that's PHP and it
>>>> calls shell scripts to download torrents in the background, with a web
>>>> interface to control them. For every torrent download, a new process
>>>> is started, which runs with the torrent - downloading and seeding it.
>>>> My system is similar, and i'm at a very proof of concept stage at the
>>>> moment. However, I've hit a problem. I can't find a nice way to spawn
>>>> the processes, without Django hanging as long as the process needs
>>>> (and for 600mb torrents, that's gonna be hours, and endless if seeding
>>>> is expected).
>>>> At the moment I am doing:
>>>> def start(request):
>>>>     p = os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, 'python', 'python', '/Users/acid/Work/
>>>> dTorrent/btdownloadheadless',
>>>>         '/Users/acid/Desktop/Inbox/-{mininova.org}- Professional C+
>>>> +.torrent')
>>>>     t = Torrent.objects.create(pid=p)
>>>>     return HttpResponse(str(p))
>>>> But this is hanging, despite the P_NOWAIT (the Torrent model does get
>>>> created).
>>>> Any ideas?
>> --
> >


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