On Jul 6, 1:24 pm, John-Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> @Vincent - Is specifying the path necessary because I'm using the
> development version of django and not an official installer? In the
> official docs it says you only have to specify the path "if you've
> manually altered your PYTHONPATH to put your Django project on it". I
> didn't make any such adjustment. But it's also unclear to me how else
> a django project be on the PYTHONPATH. I understand that __init__.py
> tells python to load the files in that directory as a module, but
> python would need to know what directory to look for that file...

Hmmm, I'm not sure the documentation is actually accurate. When you
use manage.py to run up development server for Django, it will
automatically add the parent directory of where the manage.py file is
located into sys.path for you. Thus, there isn't strictly a need to
add it to PYTHONPATH to get it to work in the first place.

So, the answer is that YES, for mod_python you must use the PythonPath
directive to specify the parent directory of where manage.py is
located in order for your settings file to be found correctly.


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