Thank you James, for both the solution and the advice. I really liked
forms_for_model as a crutch while I got up to speed on newforms, but
like most crutches, I'm finding I may spend more time working against
it. Still, a nifty thing for a simple, straightforward form.

On Jul 6, 3:12 pm, "James Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  EventFormClass.base_fields['club'].widget =
> > widgets.Select(choices=Club.objects.filter(approved=True))
> > But that throws
> > TypeError at /clubs/events/
> > unpack non-sequence
> The 'choices' argument should look like this:
> ((1, 'Foo'),
> (2, 'Bar'),
> (3, 'Baz'),
> (4, 'Quux'))
> Instead, it's going to look like this:
> [<Club object>,
>  <Club object>,
>  <Club object>,
>  <Club object>]
> So when the form goes to look "inside" each item to pull out the id
> and string value of the choice, it finds that it can't -- it was
> expecting a tuple or a list, and got a model instance instead.
> What you want is something like
> EventFormClass.base_fields['club'].widget =
> widgets.Select(choices=[(, str(club)) for club in
> Club.objects.filter(approved=True)]
> Also, it's often a good idea to *not* try to shoehorn things into
> form_form_model... usually it's quicker to write a custom form which
> does what you want than to add/remove things from form_for_model.
> --
> "Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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