> 1. All fields have 'NOT NULL' and are required - this does not reflect
> my model

If you want a field to be nullable, use null=True - the default is 
False. [1]

If you want a field to not be required in the admin application, use 
blank=True - the default is False. [2]

> 2. I get strange errors in the admin when adding a second item of
> anything : IntegrityError at /admin/portfolio/work/add/ (1062,
> "Duplicate entry '0' for key 2")

You have the following field in your Work model:

front = models.BooleanField('Á forsíðu',default=False,unique=True)

As you've put unique=True there, you can only have one row which has a 
particular value for this field; as BooleanField only has two possible 
states, this means you could only ever insert a maximum of two rows into 
this table! :)

Try removing the unique=True and regenerating your table.


[1] http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/model-api/#null
[2] http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/model-api/#blank

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