On Wed, Jul 18, 2007 at 07:10:27PM -0000, John-Scott wrote:
> Next, change your urls.py like so:
> (r'^characters/(?P<id>\d+)[-\w]+/$', object_detail,
> dict(character_detail_dict)),
> This should capture the '123' and discard '-bob-and-jane'. This is a
> fairly elegant solution that allows you to still have 'pretty' urls
> that are human readable and google friendly while completely
> sidestepping the complications of record retrieval based on reverse
> engineering slugs or bothering with a slug column, opting instead for
> the dead-simple and fast id lookup.

Don't we all agree that unique URLs with one-to-one relationships with unique
resources are a Good Thing?  I sure thought we did...

Multiple URLs corresponding to the same resource will actually dilute your
Google rank, anyway (if someone out in space uses the non-canonical version in a

You could do a permanent redirect to the canonical version, I guess.


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