Thanks for your reply, Rob.

Personally, the reason we're looking to push Django is that our
business needs very much match a statement Simon made in the talk I
mentioned above: 'Web development on journalism deadlines' (that might
not be entirely accurate).

I was also considering putting together a report, but we all know the
problems with code metrics - do we measure LoC, speed of development,
or the very nebulous 'simplicity' concept which will be quite
difficult to communicate to management.

I don't mean to pry, but at your workplace have you had any difficulty
hiring into Python/Django roles at your company (compared to PHP)? Do
you get less applicants? A better quality of applicant?



On 7/19/07, Rob Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 19, 1:19 am, "Jon Atkinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If anyone has any good resources which show off the power of Django
> > (and by association, the benefits of PHP), then please share them with
> > us.
> Where I work we migrated away from PHP to Django with great success
> but it depends on your environment.
> For us the Django admin was a huge factor since we have teams entering
> content and the default Django admin was way better than anything we
> had going so far.
> There are some performance articles and blog posts, for example:
> We benefitted from the Django workflow with its built-in web server.
> There's also the fact that Django is improving everyday which
> translates into free new features or things that were hard to do are
> easy now.  For example, databrowse or djangosnippets.
> And we love Python and also love our jobs more because of the
> switch.  :)
> Those aren't really resources for you but depending on your in-house
> requirements it's not hard to find resources online to help guide the
> decision.  When I had to convince my superiors of the choice, I wrote
> a PDF document looking at the best choices in each language (Ruby,
> PHP, Python) and Django won out for our particular needs.
> -Rob
> >

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