Me too. I've had my share of problems but the two key things that got
it working reliably was asking Dreamhost support to increase the
servers 'softlimit' setting and to use the filename 'dispatch.fcgi'
rather than 'django.fcgi' so that Dreamhost's process pruner doesn't
keep killing Django.

I've got several domains running using the Flup method and several
using the older pre-FLUP method. Once they are up and running they
tend to be pretty stable. In hindsight I would have gone with
Webfaction but I've got too much stuff setup on Dreamhost now to
switch and it does work when you've got the hang of it.

I would say decent Unix knowledge is more valuable than Django or
Python experience. I'm no expert in any of the three but it was my
Unix weaknesses that   I felt most keenly when trying to diagnose

I do think the shared hosting documentation needs some cleaning up.
Updating the Jeff Croft recipe with some notes about FLUP and
Dreamhost's liking for files named 'dispatch.fcgi' plus getting some
of the other shared hosting tutorials on the web to point to one up-to-
date canonical tutorial would make life much easier for anyone going
down the same road.

There's no doubt that getting Django working is MUCH harder than
getting a PHP site up and running. It might be better with mod_python
rather than CGI/FCGI but this is something that needs addressing if we
want to be friendly to be people who might be good web developers but
lack advanced Unix-Fu.

On Jul 23, 7:40 pm, Horst Gutmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> walterbyrd wrote:
> > Also, wondering if I should give up on django, at least for now.
> > I just can not get fastcgi working. I have read the django wiki, I
> > have tried to follow jeffcroft's tutorial. I just can not get it to
> > work. From what I'm seeing on the message boards, it's a common
> > problem.
> > I've never used fastcgi before, so I'm far from an expert. I don't
> > really know django either. Maybe this is something best left to people
> > who really know what they're doing? I never imagined it would be this
> > difficult for me.
> > I was using dot5hosting, I still have an account there. I bought a
> > dreamhost account, in large part, because it was supposed to be django
> > friendly. Now, some people are suggesting that I buy a third account
> > from WebFaction. This is getting old folks. Old and expensive.
> > I'm thinking that I might be better off with an MVC that works more
> > easily with shared hosting. Maybe codeignitor. That way I can get real
> > work done, while I try to learn some django on my local box. Maybe if
> > I can learn enough about django, and if I like it enough, then I'll
> > try django on shared hosting again.
> > I have read a lot of people rave about how django is easy to use. I
> > guess they mean for big projects. For smaller projects, it hardly
> > seems to be worth the overhead.
> What exactly have you done so far? It took me quite some time but now
> Django is (so far) working veeery realiably on my Dreamhost account.
> - Horst

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