One solution is to add an extra import at the bottom of your

     from localsettings import *
except ImportError:

Then put in your svn:ignore, and override whatever  
settings you need to on a per-installation basis.

On Jul 24, 2007, at 8:41 AM, gorans wrote:
> I develop Django sites on my mac and then publish them to another web
> server. In between, they live in a happy SVN repository on my
> development server.
> Each time I make a change to the project's I have to then
> go over and modify the live file version (in respect to the database
> type / name, media directory etc.)
> I though that there could be a way to trick Django into reading
> special development settings for me, something like having a settings
> 'package' import separate settings files:
> e.g.
> myproject/
>     ...
>     settings/
> so that we use the variable from coresettings first, and then try:
> import localsettings and if successful use those subsequent values.
> That way, I can have an un-versioned living on my
> mac, whilst keeping the live settings intact. Additionally, other
> developers on the project can do the same!
> Is this possible? (I'm sure it is but my Python just isn't good enough
> to know how to import all the variables from each module)
> Can anyone please give me directions / pointers as to how to do this?
> Or alternatively, how you deal with this task.
> Your help is very very much appreciated
> cheers
> Goran
> >

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