Sebastian Macias wrote:
> Thanks a lot for the feedback everyone.
> I have come up a perfect setup  and folder structure  (at least
> perfect for my needs) that will allow me to work on generic apps and
> project specific apps efficiently and just wanted to share it with
> everyone in case it can save a anyone a headache.
> *Folder structure for a django project*
> /var/django_root/my_project_name/
>               apps/
>                   my_project_specific_app_1/
>                           my_project_specific_app_2/
>                   my_project_specific_app_3/
> *Folder structure for generic/portable apps*
> /var/django_root/shared/
>               my_generic_portable_app_1/
>               my_generic_portable_app_2/
>               my_generic_portable_registration_app/
> *Development Setup*
> I added the following to the top  of my_project_name/ so it
> appends the portable/generic apps folder to the python path.
>     import sys
>     sys.path.append('/var/django_root/shared')
> For extended convenience I symlinked my portable/generic apps folder
> to my django project so I can quickly make changes to my generic apps
> without having to go outside my django project folder structure
> ln -s `pwd`/var/django_root/shared /var/django_root/my_project_name/
> shared
> *Production Setup*
> My Apache conf file:
> <VirtualHost *>
>   ServerName championsound.local
>   ServerAlias *.championsound.local
>   SetHandler python-program
>   PythonPath "['/var/django_root', '/var/django_root/shared'] +
> sys.path"
>   PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
>   SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE championsound.settings
>   PythonDebug On
> </VirtualHost>
> Note how '/var/django_root' and '/var/django_root/shared' are added to
> the PythonPath
> Enjoy it!
> Sebastian Macias

Can you post this to the wiki?  or tell me to.  one of us should. :)

Carl K

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