I'm a python and django noob and am having major problems getting css
files to load.

My problems are this.  First off, I was able to get the development
admin working with my project fine, but when I try to serve it up
using apache and mod_python, it's looking for the project under my
Python25 directory (c:\dev\Python25), not in c:\dev\testproj.

Also, when I copy the project to c:\dev\Python25, I can get the admin
interface, but without CSS.

And worse, even in the development server, I can't get templates to
use my custom css files at all. I include a line like
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/main.css" />
but I've tried putting that file everywhere under the sun to no

Yes, I've seen the documentation and it did not help me any.

Here's my setup: I'm running XP with apache installed, and django .

My dir structure looks like:
c:\dev\testproj - is where I have my django project
c:\dev\webdev - is my apache document root

Python is installed in c:\dev\Python25 with django under there in lib

Mod_python is working and I have this in my http.conf
<Location "/testproj/">
    SetHandler python-program
    PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
    SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE testproj.settings
    PythonDebug On
    PythonPath "['c:\\\\dev\\\\testproj'] + sys.path"
<Location "mainmedia">
    SetHandler None

I've tried adding a number of permutations of this to my settings.py
file... I'll just include the last one
MEDIA_ROOT = 'c:/dev/testproj/mainmedia/'

and this to my urls.py
(r'^mainmedia/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
{'document_root': 'c:/dev/testproj/mainmedia'}),

ANY help would be greatly appreciated.

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