
 MT> That isn't an answer to the question Russell asked, though. You can get
 MT> exactly the same end-effect (using in-memory SQLite) if you specify
 MT> SQLite as the database engine in the settings file you use for testing.
 MT> Deriving your testing settings file from the main settings file is just
 MT> a matter of importing and replacing the right variable.

 MT> The advantage of specifying SQLite directly (and the drawback to trying
 MT> to "fake it") is that Django won't inadvertently use any MySQL- or
 MT> PostgreSQL-specific SQL constructs under the covers when calling the
 MT> database. There are places we consider the value of
 MT> settings.DATABASE_ENGINE when constructing the SQL and we may leverage
 MT> that more in the future.

 MT> So what advantages are there to the mocking approach over just replacing
 MT> the setting?

Ok, I'll be more wordy.

I'm not using django's testing framework for several reasons:
 - I'm using django from 0.91 days and wasn't following django-users all
   this way
 - I use nose and twill for testing and they have no ready-to-use plugs
   into django testing (or I haven't been able to find it)

Also simply overriding DATABASE_ENGINE to sqlite leads to problems.
E.g. my code has 
   profiles = models.User.objects.extra(where=[
        "'%s'" % identity_url + "like concat(login, '%%')"])
But sqlite has no concat function and straightforward approach will lead to
an exception.  Thus 
    sqlite_conn.connection.create_function('concat', 2,
                                           lambda *args: ''.join(args))
in DbMock setup.

So, back to business..  

My intention was to speedup unit tests and make initial test data setup
easier.  I am not proficient in django testing framework and couldn't
utilize it with nosetests.  DbMock solves my issue.

Sure, I may be wrong and the proper way is to write nose test runner
and file patches that provide more mysql or postgresql compatability for

Andrey V Khavryuchenko            
Django NewGate -
Development - 
Call akhavr1975 on

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