I am considering Django to develop a business-to-business service. It
should handle invoices (accounts payable) for my customers. It more or
less comes down to:

1. enter invoices             [we | various XML formats go into the
2. complete invoices       [automated | interface with customers
accounting system]
3. validate invoices         [customer ]
4. make booking            [automated | interface with customers
accounting system]

The actual story is much more complex, as it deals with invoices on a
line-item level. These must be able to be distributed / discussed /
divided among users who act as budget-keepers of distinct

I have had a little playtime with django, and I found it pleasing to
work with. It seems to be up to the task. I also compared it to Seam
(RedHat Java-framework). Some questions came up:

- The Java application stack boasts excellent scalability, will this
ever be a problem for python / django (database-transactions etc.)?

- Integration with Jbpm (workflow engine) is a strong-point with Seam;
designing pageflow directly from process management. Is there anything
like it for Django?

- The default django user-interface uses permissions and users. Is
this easily expanded with roles? Or is there a reason why there is no
definition of roles?

- On what level should I seperate different customers? Different
websites / different databases / same database? Is there a smart
choice, or a really stupid one here?

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