it figured out.  All I have to do is call
'checkout_form.htm' template again if my form is not valid.  And then
within my 'checkoutform.htm' template add some if statements to make
sure they don't have any errors by using the following line.

{% if fo.b_firstname.errors %}What you want to display if an error
happens{% endif %}

On Aug 1, 8:42 pm, Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've seen examples from other websites where when a form is submitted
> and some of the required fields contain no data.  It takes them back
> to the same url and displays messages like '*** This field is
> required' above the form field.
> I currently have my form setup so that when it's submitted and some
> required fields are missing it then takes them to a different url and
> display's the error messages.
> ////////////////
> def checkout(request):
>         if request.method == 'POST':
>                 f = ContactForm(request.POST)
>                 a = theamount(request)
>                 if f.is_valid():
>                         request.session['orderdetails'] = {
>                             'amount': a,
>                             'card_number': request['card_number'],
>                             'exp_date': request['exp_date'],
>                             'b_firstname': request['b_firstname'],
>                         return HttpResponseRedirect('/rugs/cart/success')
>                 else:
>                         return render_to_response('error.html', {'e': 
> f.errors})
>         else:
>                 f = ContactForm(auto_id='%s')
>                 return render_to_response('checkout_form.html', {'fo': f, 'o':
> request.session['cart'], 'p': theamount(request), 'spad':
> request.session['pad']})
> ///////////////////
> How do I show the error messages on the same page which in this case
> is checkout_form.html?
> Thanks

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