You're missing just:
ingredients = models.ManyToManyField(Ingredient)

In your recipe model.

If you want a pretty interface in admin (if you're not using newforms-
admin) then:
ingredients = models.ManyToManyField('Ingredient',

On Aug 2, 10:13 pm, "Shane Graber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to make a recipe/ingredient application as my road to
> learning more about Django.  Making a model of an ingredient and most
> of the recipe are relatively straight forward based on the excellent
> tutorials on the Django.  However, I'm struggling with understanding
> how to hook in multiple ingredients into a recipe.  Here's how I have
> my model setup:
> I want to be able to add in new Ingredients from the /admin section of
> Django instead of supplying it as a tuple hardcoded into my model.
> When I create a Recipe, I need to have a series of rows below the
> title, description, first, last name, and pub_date section where I can
> select an Ingredient from a dropdown list and then to the right of the
> ingredient needs to be an CharField where I input how much of each
> component I need to add for that particular recipe.  It would look
> like:
> Ingredient 1     2 tsp
> Ingredient 2    1/2 cup
> ...
> Each row starting with that Ingredient dropdown list followed by a CharField.
> Any help on hooking this functionality into the model would be
> *greatly* appreciated.  Thanks!
> Shane

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