On 8/26/07, Kai Kuehne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi list,
> I cannot load my data into the postgres db.
> I dumped it on the production server and want to
> load it on the dev machine (both SVN 6020):
> $ python manage.py loaddata dump.json
> Loading 'dump' fixtures...
> Installing json fixture 'dump' from absolute path.
> Problem installing fixture 'dump.json': DVD matching query does not exist.

This indicates that something in the data loading process is
performing a query somewhere over data that may not be loaded. Are you
using any custom managers or other variations on a 'basic' model?
Anything else that could be performing a query over DVD objects?

Of course, the best way to sort out this problem would be to provide
us with a minimal test case - a small model and dataset that
replicates the problem.

> I alredy read #4459 and #4431 and I also tried to remove the overriden
> save()-methods in the models... restarted apache. But still doesn't work.

Issue #4459 should be resolved in the SVN release you are using.

Russ Magee %-)

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