We have a dedicated server at Rackspace running Apache 2 and Fedora
Core 5.  I want to start using Django/Python on this server.

At the moment we only have about 10 client sites (PHP based) on the
server .

I want to also install Lighttpd on this box - to act as a static media
server. Can / should I also use Lighttpd for Django? Or should the
Python/Django-ness be Apache based, leaving Lighttpd to deal with
media files only.

I don't think we would want to use Python on our PHP sites - or vice-

Am I supposed to use use Lighttpd as FastCGI in my circumstances or

I'm not too familar with linux and I coldn't get past the first step
in the Lighttpd installation docs:

-bash: yum: command not found

... so I guess I don't have that yum thing. Can anyone tell me how to
install Lighttpd? Or point me to a tutorial/guide that does (aimed at
linux newbies)?


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