Thanks, Mike. It really helps to get feedback like this.

I've been reading about authentication and it seems that it can work
well on my custom admin that I'm building. Extendable is right :)

On Sep 10, 12:52 am, MikeHowarth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been working in Django for all of about 4 weeks and I'm
> absolutely loving it. Within that time I've written my first project,
> something which I probably would never have acheived in another
> language (I'd still be stuck reading the book!)
> To give you a little on my background, I've programmed PHP for around
> 8 years, having previously worked with ASP, Perl and looked at
> both .NET and Rails in passing. Recently I've been using Python for
> some backend scripting and came across Django so I thought I'd do a
> little more reading around
> >From what I saw in that bit of reading I was pretty much blown away by
> the ethos of the project and I've been hooked ever since.
> Yep, there are less resources available for Django at the moment
> however the documentation is more than sufficient (it just take a
> little reading), there is a book soon to be published and available
> at:
> On top of this the group is both very helpful and very active and
> active with the people who are actually developing the framework which
> surely counts for something!
> The admin system is extendable to meet your requirements, I see the
> admin as more of a bonus than a hinderance.
> Ruby more forgiving than Python, can't really comment as I'm not
> overly familiar with Ruby's syntax.
> On Sep 10, 7:16 am, tmb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've spent a few days Googling and searching this group for some
> > guidance on a few newbie issues. I apologize in advance if these
> > things have already been covered to death.
> > I am basically trying to decide where to put my focus in the next
> > project or two: Rails or Django. Haha, yeah I know... :) My question
> > is not necessarily which is better, that would be dumb, but which
> > might be better suited for a n00b.
> > Here's what really makes me lean toward Django.
> > 1.) Perfomance, ease of deployment and documentation.
> > 2.) Love python syntax.
> > 3.) I like the pragmatic vibe of the community and no nonsense
> > approach. I'm a little tired of 'baked right in' and all other
> > buzzworthy lingo.
> > 4.) Google API avaible in Python.
> > The only thing that doesn't make this a clear cut decision are a few
> > issues:
> > 1.) Rails has more books, reference, code examples, etc.
> > 2.) I've read and been told it's easier to create a cutom admin
> > (something about sessions). As much as I love Django auto-admin, it
> > will not suit my next project.
> > 3.)>> Ruby may be more forgiving than Python???
> > Thanks for any light that can be shone my way. I apologize in advance
> > if I have missed any previous threads covering these issues.
> > -TMB

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