
Below my model with which I have an issue :

Technicat skills

class DomainTechSkill(models.Model):
     name = models.CharField('Domaine de compétence technique', 
Maxlength=100, core=True)

class Techskill(models.Model):
     who = models.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name='Personne',)
     name = models.CharField('Compétences techniques', maxlength=100, 
     domain = models.ForeignKey(DomainTechSkill, verbose_name='Domaine 
de compétences techniques',)

class Usertechskill(models.Model):
     who = models.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name='Personne',)
     name = models.ManyToManyField(Techskill, verbose_name='Compétence 
technique', filter_interface=models.HORIZONTAL, blank=True)

... my view (part of):
def cv_detail(request, firstname, lastname):
     user = User.objects.get(first_name=firstname, last_name=lastname)
     user_techskill = user.usertechskill_set.all()
     return render_to_response('cv/cv_detail.html', {'user_techskill': 
user_techskill, })

... and my template :

                 {# -- technical skills -- #}
                 {% if user_techskill %}
                 <p>Comp&eacute;tences techniques :</p>
                 {% for techskill in user_techskill %}
                 {% regroup techskill.name.all|dictsort:"domain" by 
domain as grouped %}
                          {% for group in grouped %}
                                 <li> {{ group.grouper }} :
                                         {% for item in group.list %}
                                                 {{ item.name }}{% if 
forloop.last %}.{% else %},{% endif %}
                                         {% endfor %}
                          {% endfor %}
                 {% endfor %}
                 {% endif %}

Let's say I enter as technical skill / domain :
- HTML / Web
- CSS / Web
- Apache / Servee
- Portal / Information system
- Bind / Server
- CMS / Information System

I may have as a result and what I expect :

- Server : Apache, Bind
- Information system : CMS, Portal
- Web : HTML, CSS

but sometimes I also have :

- Server : Apache
- Information system : CMS, Portal
- Server : Bind
- Web : HTML, CSS

or any other combination of those values.

Before rewriting user_techskill in my view so that all the sorting and 
ordreing is in the view and no longer or less in the template, did I 
miss something or did I make something wrong ?

It's my last bug before I release my app so I would really appreciate 
any help solving this bug :-)


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