I'm trying to use signals so that when a Publication gets deleted from
within the Admin it will 'assert False, "Here"'  (This will obviously
change at a later date).  Currently, when I delete a Publication (in
the django admin) no assert statement is raised.  So I guess that
means that my dispatcher.connect is not getting called.  Anybody know
what I'm doing wrong?

//////////////////// views.py

from mysite.test.models import Publication
from django.db.models import signals
from django.dispatch import dispatcher
from mysite.rugs.sig import thesignal

dispatcher.connect(thesignal, signal=signals.post_delete,

//////////////////// sig.py

def thesignal(sender, instance, signal, *args, **kwargs):
    assert False, "Here"

//////////////////// models.py

class Publication(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(maxlength=30)

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