Hi Mike,
There is a branch that supports multiple databases in the repository. It's
quite out of date in the SVN repo but Koen put in some stirling work over
the period of the sprint and produced a patch against trunk at around r6100.
Multiple-db support is a feature that is asked for very regularly,
unfortunately there have been issues getting the latest changes into the
repo so others can use the branch. This is mainly due -as I understand it -
to quality of the code, lack of working tests, and the fact that the core
devs are busy on other things. I can send you a copy of the patch if you
like, or there's an earlier patch attached to ticket 4747 which is the
current version I'm using in production.
Koen is busy this week I think, but we're probably going to discuss
refactoring the multi-db branch to take advantage of recent changes in the
backend code in the near future.
At present multi-db is usable, and as I said I have it in one of my projects
right now. Having said that, it's quite beta and to get the most out of it
you're going to have to be pretty happy digging through django's internals.
If  you are happy doing that we'd love some help with it, as there's still a
lot to be done! If you want either patch then send me a mail, and of course
if you have any problem/comments/suggestions I'm more than happy to help.

On 18/09/2007, msoulier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was hoping to use Django in a web management UI for a server that I
> support, where new UIs are added as new applications are installed.
> Due to this plugin requirement, I had planned to model that with one
> large Django project, where each new plugin was a Django application.
> Unfortunately it would appear that this would not work, as each
> application potentially needs its own database, and Django only
> permits a single one to be specified.
> In Rails I can specify new dbs at the model level to override the
> default. Is there any way to do this in Django? Surely the requirement
> for more than one database to drive an entire site's content is
> present.
> If not, I could use multiple Django projects, with one project per
> plugin, but I would still like to share some common code for inclusion
> tags, templates, etc., to ensure that the pages all have the same look
> and feel. Is there a recommended way to do this?
> Thank you for any help that you can offer.
> Mike
> >

Ben Ford

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