> Are there any restrictions on multithreading with mod_python or just
 > regular multithreading code will work.

yep.  and regular multithreading code will work.  no special setup.  (i 
do it myself)

Adrian-Bogdan Andreias wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a rather python on web question then a django question.
> 1. Is it possible to create and use threads from django view code?
> 2. If yes, is there a server side specific setup needed?
> The problem that we're trying to solve is:
> On request the python code has to make multiple socket connections & 
> requests to other servers.
> Since there are a lot of these connections and some of them are independent,
> we're thinking of using threads in order to speed up the page serving.
> Are there any restrictions on multithreading with mod_python or just regular
> multithreading code will work.
> Is this doable with python on web (and django)?
> Thanks
> -- 
> Adi Andreias
> adi _at_ elvsoft (dot] com
> Elvsoft, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
> Online success
> http://www.elvsoft.com/
> Tel/Fax: +40 0364 103 430
> Mobile: +40 0723 450 566
> > 

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