> So I need to get the videos that match ALL the keywords that I provide
> in the query, like "give me all the videos that contain the keywords
> 'horse', 'country' and 'green'". These videos may contain another
> keywords or not, but I need them to contain at least ALL the keywords
> provided.
> Either solution (plain SQL soution or Django ORM solution) will be
> fine for me. 

I've detailed my solution here:


which uses a call to extra() to do the needed selection.

It would look something like

   keywords = ('horse', 'country' and 'green')
   data = Video.objects.all()
   for keyword in keywords:
     data = data.extra(where=["""
       NOT EXISTS (
         SELECT 1
         FROM app_video_keywords_list kwl
           INNER JOIN app_videokeyword kw
           ON kwl.videokeyword_id = kw.id
         WHERE app_video.id = kwl.video_id
           AND kw.keywordfield = %s

(adjust the names of tables and fields accordingly, as I didn't 
notice where you mention which field in app_videokeyword you're 
searching on, so I made up "keywordfield")

You can also tweak the comparsion from "=" to ILIKE or however 
you want to modify it.


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