The errorlog shows a couple of these:
[Tue Oct  2 05:43:50 2007] [error] [client] FastCGI:
incomplete headers (0 bytes) received from server "/home/soulgt/
[Tue Oct  2 05:43:50 2007] [error] [client] FastCGI:
comm with (dynamic) server "/home/soulgt/public_html/dispatch.fcgi"
aborted: (first read) idle timeout (240 sec)

many many many of these:
[Tue Oct  2 05:44:11 2007] [warn] FastCGI: (dynamic) server "/home/
soulgt/public_html/dispatch.fcgi" has failed to remain running for 30
seconds given 3 attempts, its restart interval has been backed off to
600 seconds

and a few of these:
[2007-10-02 02:03:32]: error: file has no execute permission: (/home/

I hope this helps, as I'm completely lost.

On Oct 2, 2:39 am, "Horst Gutmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Have you already looked at the error.log your webhost should normally
> provide? The behaviour you indicated normally means, that the process
> died or gave output back, that is not really close to an HTTP response
> as expected by the webserver.
> > Hi,
> > I'm new at this - learning as I go, but I can't seem to get Django
> > running with fastcgi.
> > A Small Orange, my webhost, doesn't have mod_python support, so I've
> > been trying to follow a number of different recommendations online to
> > try and get my site up and running.
> > I've installed flup, downloaded the django trunk, created a project,
> > and placed a 'dispatch.fcgi' file in the web root.
> > If I point my browser to the dispatch.fcgi file, it spins and spins
> > forever, not even bothering with the kindness of timing out.
> > If I run the dispatch.fcgi file in the shell, I get the following
> > error:
> > ># ./dispatch.fcgi
> > >WSGIServer: missing FastCGI param REQUEST_METHOD required by WSGI!
> > >WSGIServer: missing FastCGI param SERVER_NAME required by WSGI!
> > >WSGIServer: missing FastCGI param SERVER_PORT required by WSGI!
> > >WSGIServer: missing FastCGI param SERVER_PROTOCOL required by WSGI!
> > >Status: 301 MOVED PERMANENTLY
> > >content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
> > >location:http://localhost:80/
> > my .htaccess file:
> > ************
> > AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
> > RewriteEngine On
> > RewriteBase /
> > RewriteRule ^(media/.*)$ - [L]
> > RewriteRule ^(admin_media/.*)$ - [L]
> > RewriteRule ^(dispatch\.fcgi/.*)$ - [L]
> > RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.fcgi/$1 [L]
> > ************
> > my dispatch.fcgi file:
> > ************
> > #!/usr/bin/env python
> > import sys, os
> > # Add a custom Python path.
> > sys.path.insert(0, "/home/soulgt/projects/django/trunk")
> > sys.path.insert(0, "/home/soulgt/projects/flup/trunk/flup")
> > sys.path.insert(0, "/home/soulgt/projects")
> > # Set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable.
> > os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = "pythonlearning.settings"
> > from django.core.servers.fastcgi import runfastcgi
> > runfastcgi(method="threaded", daemonize="false")
> > ************
> > I have no idea what's going on and really want to get this off the
> > ground. Any help would be greatly appreciate - thanks in advance.

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