I've just spotted something fairly obvious!

The whole thing is wrapped in:
{% if inline_admin_form.original or inline_admin_form.show_url %}

That would explain it then!

On Oct 2, 4:25 pm, AndyB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm overriding an admin template (but doubt uf that is particularly
> relevent) and am not sure why the following behaviour occurs.
> I've modified the line:
> {% if inline_admin_form.original %}{{ inline_admin_form.original }}{%
> endif %}
> to be:
> {% if inline_admin_form.original
> %}test1{{ inline_admin_form.original }} {% else %}test2{% endif %}
> This is in a inline tabular fieldset so I can display the text 'Please
> add another item' in the row of the table that represents the blank
> new item rather than an existing one. "inline_admin_form.original"
> contains the text of the existing item. I would expect any empty rows
> to display test2 or at least show test1 if for some reason an expty
> value still evaluated to True but instead they show nothing.
> So we have a test that fails an 'if' and doesn't pass the else? Or am
> I missing something more obvious here?
> The file I'm overriding is:
> newforms-admin\django\contrib\admin\templates\admin\edit_inline
> \tabular.html

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